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Is There A Way To Remove Exposed Tree Roots

Published by Six Diamonds Tree Services                                                                                                             September 8, 2023

Trees are magnificent living beings with intricate root systems that provide them with sustenance and vitality. Typically, tree roots remain hidden beneath the surface of the ground, although they occasionally emerge and become visible on your property. Not only does this detract from the aesthetic appeal of your surroundings, but it also poses potential risks to you and your loved ones.

What Causes Tree Roots to Be Exposed

As a tree grows older, it is common for its roots to gradually emerge from beneath the surface. Similar to the tree's trunk, the roots thicken over time and expand, eventually breaking through the ground. Another factor contributing to the visibility of tree roots is the erosion of soil surrounding the tree due to rainfall, runoff, or wind. Additionally, when a tree and its root system lack sufficient space to grow, the roots may grow upwards and protrude above the ground.

Why Exposed Tree Roots Can Be Dangerous 

Tree roots that grow above the soil can suffer significant damage from the daily traffic of your family or others traversing them, as well as from being accidentally run over by lawnmowers and other landscaping equipment. Additionally, exposed roots are more vulnerable to disease and pests, as they create an open wound that grants easy access to these destructive forces. The consequences of having exposed tree roots extend beyond the roots themselves, as they can potentially cause damage to your property and pose a tripping hazard for anyone walking near them.

How Can I Get Rid of Exposed Tree Roots?

Exposed tree roots can cause distress and spoil the aesthetics of any homeowner's yard. To effectively address this issue, consider applying a layer of organic mulch over the tree roots while your lawn struggles to grow beneath them and reach the surface. Creating a neat and uniform circle of organic mulch around the tree's base can help alleviate the conflict between the roots and the grass. However, it's important to remember that mulch will hinder grass growth while protecting the roots, so keep the mulch pulled back from the tree trunk.

Another way to rid your yard of the look of exposed tree roots is to fix your compacted soil. Your compacted soil can be a major cause of exposed tree roots and overall poor tree health, and it will need to be taken care of by tree and landscaping professionals, such as our team at Six Diamonds Tree Services. A professional and experienced tree company will be able to use an airspade around a tree’s roots to loosen the soil, incorporate compost to add ingredients, and then fill it back. Ideally, you’d then spread a layer of wood chip mulch out to the drip line to eliminate future compaction. Or compromise with a mulch ring around the tree with grass seed (or sod) farther away.

How To Not Get Rid of Exposed Tree Roots

Although there are various methods to address the issue of exposed tree roots, it is important to be aware of the approaches you should avoid. One such method is burying the roots under additional soil, as this may conceal them, but it can also deprive them of oxygen, resulting in their demise and causing distress to your tree. Similarly, it is crucial not to pave over the tree roots, as this can lead to their decay and ultimately cause instability and unevenness in the paving base.

Numerous homeowners may believe that the optimal course of action is to sever tree roots, but this is a practice that must be strictly avoided. Such an action would result in the deprivation of vital nutrients and resources for your tree, ultimately leading to its demise and posing a threat to both you and your property. Alternatively, some homeowners choose to bury their protruding tree roots beneath a mountain of mulch. While mulch can indeed play a crucial role in maintaining a thriving garden, its effectiveness is contingent upon proper placement.

One should avoid attempting to fix exposed tree roots by concealing them beneath a new planting bed. This method can lead to a detrimental competition for water and nutrients among the new plants and the tree. Moreover, digging in the crucial root zone can cause severe damage to the tree.

Exposed tree roots can pose a significant inconvenience for homeowners, compromising the safety of your beautiful yard for you and your family. By enlisting the expertise of a reputable tree company such as Six Diamonds Tree Services in Pawling, NY, you can effectively eliminate these exposed roots and develop effective strategies to nurture your tree while concealing the unsightly roots from view. It is crucial to refrain from attempting to remove the exposed roots without professional guidance, as this could potentially harm or even kill your tree, leading to costly damage control in the long run.

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